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Procedures for Foreign Researchers Registration

The Research Council of Zimbabwe (RCZ) is mandated to register foreign researchers in terms of Section 27 of the Research Act. A foreign researcher is a non-Zimbabwean national or any person wishing to conduct research in Zimbabwe on behalf of a foreign institution, foreign organisation, or other foreign person. All foreign researchers should follow the registration guidelines.


1. Foreigners intending to conduct research in Zimbabwe are required to apply for research permits from the RCZ. Such applications must be made and approved before arrival in Zimbabwe.
2. The foreign researcher should seek an institution of affiliation in the area of the intended research in Zimbabwe. That institution of affiliation in Zimbabwe forwards the application to RCZ. It is also up to the institution to accept the foreign researcher. Recognised institutions of affiliation are Universities, Government Ministries, Government Departments who run their own budgets and whose head is an accounting officer and any other publicly funded institutions as determined by the RCZ. Private and foreign institutions can have special collaborative arrangement with Zimbabwean public institutions. A directory of Institutions of affiliation has been published to assist researchers with the above mentioned process. The directory can be accessed from the RCZ website.
3. All foreign researchers are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of US$500.00 or as determined by the RCZ from time to time.
4. All foreign researchers must clearly state the purpose of their intended research on their application forms failing which the application may not be considered.
5. Applications for research in the medical field should be sent to the Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe (MRCZ), P.O. Box CY 573, Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe (email: mrcz@mrcz.org.zw). Approval by the MRCZ is a prerequisite for RCZ consideration of the application.
6. Applications for research involving animals should be sent to the National Animal Research Ethics Committee (NAREC). Approval by the NAREC is a prerequisite for RCZ consideration of the application.
7. All applications for extensions of research permits must be accompanied by a brief progress report of the completed research.


1. Ten copies of the completed application form, Form No. RA1 Section 26 A, plus one comprehensive research proposal per project must be submitted to The Executive Director, Research Council of Zimbabwe.

2. Ten copies of completed Specimens Transfer Agreement (STA) form are to be submitted if application involves biological specimen shipment.

3. Checklist tracking the stages of the application process before submission at RCZ

4. The Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) form should be used for shipment of non-biological specimens. Thirteen copies of the MTA form are to be submitted. The MTA form can be Downloaded Here.

5. For joint projects, one comprehensive research proposal is required but each applicant must submit Thirteen copies of the completed application form, Form No. RA1 Section 26 A, plus one comprehensive research proposal per project must be submitted to The Executive Director, Research Council of Zimbabwe.
6. Ten copies of completed Specimens Transfer Agreement (STA) form are to be submitted if application involves biological specimen shipment.
7. The researcher must attach letters of support from a Zimbabwean institution of affiliation and other institutions he/she may wish to consult with during the course of the research (thirteen copies of each).
8. Applicants must provide evidence of adequate funds for the period of research in Zimbabwe to cater for his/her personal and research needs.
9. The applicant must pay, through the institution of affiliation or directly to the RCZ, a non-refundable fee which is currently pegged at US$500.00.
10. The Registration Certificate is issued out to the institute of affiliation for onward transmission to the intending researcher.
11. Submission of ten copies of each document to RCZ except for the detailed proposal is a prerequisite for the application to be considered.
12. The applicant is required to submit a detailed report to the RCZ and the National Archives within one year of completing the research.
13. Research permits are issued for a continuous period of one year. After the expiration date the research may only continue upon renewal of the research permit.


1. The renewal registration form should be completed by Foreign Researchers and / or their local counterparts applying for renewal of research registration certificates.

2. The renewal registration form should be submitted together with a progress report, institution of affiliation letter, MRCZ conditional approval letter (for medical related studies), summary protocol, proof of funding and the proof of payment of RCZ registration, not later than one month before the expiration date.

3. This registration form cannot be used for the purposes of applying for permission to ship biological specimens.

4. Only four files of the renewal package may be submitted if the application is being submitted to RCZ for the second time.

Further information is obtainable from:
The Executive Director
Research Council of Zimbabwe
Box CY 294
Tel: +263-242-304733, 304787, and 304861.
Cell: + (263) 712954332, +263712954330
Email: technical@rcz.ac.zw