+(263)242 304787/733/861
Mon - Fri : 09 AM - 05 PM

Board Committees

1. Finance, Administration and Human Resources Committee

Terms of Reference

  • Ensures that the organisation is running smoothly.
  • Reviews financial statements and Quarterly Management accounts before submission to the Council.
  • Considers budgets before and after submission to the Ministry of Finance.
  • Recommends to the Council the appointment of external auditors.
  • Considers human resources issues and make recommendations to Council as appropriate.

2. Foreign Researchers Committee

Terms of Reference

  • Assesses the proposals and where appropriate issues permits to foreign scholars.
  • Monitors research progress by foreign researchers.
  • Advises the Council on how best to benefit from the research by foreign researchers.
  • Advises the Council on improving the monitoring of foreign researchers.
  • Liaises with institutions of affiliation on ways to improve administration of foreign researchers’ applications.

3. Research Control and Coordination Committee

Terms of Reference

  • Considers cases of unethical conduct of research on behalf of the Council.
  • Develops and updates research funds disbursement policies, guidelines, regulations and related instruments for the consideration of Council.
  • Disburses research funds on behalf of Council.
  • Conducts training of users of the guidelines.
  • Conducts research audits ensuring that person, animals, plants and the environment generally are protected from the effects of potential harmful research or undertaking.

4. Research Promotion, Publicity and Resource Mobilisation Committee

Terms of Reference

  • Fosters the publication of refereed journals including e-journals.
  • Oversees updating and maintenance of the RCZ website.
  • Makes recommendations on grants to be made by Council.
  • Organises research symposia, conferences, workshops, seminars and related activities.
  • Makes recommendations on donations to be made by Council.
  • Makes recommendations on fellowships to be awarded by Council.
  • Mobilises resources for the Research Council of Zimbabwe.
  • Develops and recommends to Council funding mechanism for the national research agenda.
  • Raises funds for the budget in line with the approved funding mechanism.

5. National Research Prioritisation and Strategic Planning Committee

Terms of Reference

  • Advises the Council on the national research policy and recommends creation of new research councils.
  • Recommends to Council national research priorities identified through application of an agreed framework and methodology.
  • Recommends and institutes periodic reviews of national priorities.
  • Recommends to Council the creation of new research institutes.
  • Considers research programmes of research councils and research institutes requiring policy direction and makes recommendations to Council.

6. Audit and Risk Management Committee

Terms of Reference

  • Recommends to the Board appointment of external auditors.
  • Receives and considers on behalf of the Council, internal and external audit reports and recommend courses of action.
  • Reviews with senior management processes with the express intention of improving efficiencies and compliance with organisational controls, legislative framework, policies and procedures.
  • Ensures on behalf of the Council, that the statutory obligation of the annual audited accounts is met.
  • Continuously reviews and updates the Audit and Risk policies of the Council and attends to matters arising therefrom.
  • Writes an audit charter on how audit is conducted.
  • Ensures all processes are in line with statutory obligations and governance issues.