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Dr Naomi Netsayi Wekwete is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe in the Department of Demography Settlement and Development.


Dr Wekwete has over 25 years of experience in conducting policy-oriented research, evaluation of programs/projects, and consultancy work for Government ministries, non-governmental organisations and international/regional organisations. It is this experience that saw her to the position of Senior Lecturer with the University of Zimbabwe.  Dr Wekwete's research interests include sexual and reproductive health; morbidity and mortality; fertility; gender and population, and gender and development.


Wekwete holds a Ph.D. in Applied Population Research from the University of Exeter, England, M.Sc. in Population Studies and B.Sc. (Honours) Economics from the University of Zimbabwe.


She has won several research grants including the Research Grant Sabbatical Research Grant (OSSREA); HIV/AIDS and Social Sciences Research Grant (CODESRIA/UAPS); Senior Scholars Research Grant; HIV/AIDS Challenge in Africa, OSSREA; and the Simon Population Trust Research Grant for Ph.D. Research. She is a reviewer of several regional and international journals and has various publications in peer-reviewed journals. Dr Wekwete's publications also include a book, book chapters, research reports and a reviewer for international and regional journals. Dr Wekwete is the ZIMSTAT Board Chairman and Research Council of Zimbabwe Board member.