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1. The Research Council of Zimbabwe (RCZ) advises foreign researchers to use the services of qualified translation institutions for translation of research materials. Attached is a list of language institutions approved to do translations.

2. All translated research materials should be accompanied by a confirmation from a qualified translation institution responsible for documents translations.

3. The above will be effective from 17 September, 2024

4. For convenience RCZ has compiled a list of qualified translation institutions available Download List Here

Any foreign researchers who conduct research without research registration certificates will be contravening the law. RCZ will take necessary enforcement actions against anyone who will be found operating illegally.
For registration, renewals and further inquiries kindly contact technical@rcz.ac.zw and copy secretary@rcz.ac.zw or telephone 0242-304733/787

Published on: September 11, 2024, 8:56 am